
Molecular cloning and expression analysis of the transcription factor CobHLH40 from Cornus officinalis on the basis of de novo transcriptome sequencing
Document Type
Plant Biotechnology Reports, 14(4), pp.419-428 Aug, 2020
Cornus officinalis is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine rich in active substances, such as iridoid glycosides, esters, polysaccharides, and tannins. C. officinalis replenishes the liver and kidney and retracts and removes phlegm. In this study, the candidate transcription factor bHLH40 from C. officinalis (CobHLH40) was predicted to be involved in iridoid glycoside biosynthesis. CobHLH40 was cloned from C. officinalis. Bioinformatics analysis was performed using the Protparatam, the ProtScale, and the SOPMA. CobHLH40 had a cDNA length of 2100 bp and a relative molecular mass of 63.32 kDa, and encoded 573 amino acids. The subcellular localization analysis indicated that CobHLH40 may be located in the nucleus. The comparison of multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic relationships showed that the CobHLH40 was similar to the MYC2 of other plants, and that CobHLH40 had high homology with the MYC2 of Sesamum indicum. A prokaryotic expression vector was successfully constructed and transformed into the DE3 cells. The induction and expression of the fusion protein of CobHLH40 need further confirmation. The cloning and bioinformatics analysis results of CobHLH40, which may be related to iridoid glycoside synthesis, were screened and predicted for the first time on the basis of C. officinalis transcriptome sequencing. The temporal and spatial expression patterns of C. officinalis were also established. The CobHLH40 prokaryotic expression system provides a basis to further study its function.