
Oxide Scale Characterization and Study of Oxidation Kinetics in T91 Steel Exposed to Dry Air at High Temperatures (873–1073 K)
Document Type
Metals and Materials International, 28(8), pp.1864-1880 Aug, 2022
In this study, the oxidation response of a T91 steel in dry air environment has been investigated by performing cyclic oxidationtests at 873, 973 and 1073 K for a total duration of 1000 h with intermediate intervals. The temperature range for thisstudy is chosen to be higher than the operating temperature range of the alloy to accelerate the oxidation kinetics. Developinga comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms and kinetics involved at such accelerated oxidation environmentswould help to formulate better strategies for countering oxidation related failure events. The results of this study showedthat the oxidation rate is greatly influenced by temperature as well as exposure time, and follows a near-parabolic rate law. Characterization of the oxide scales revealed formation of dual oxide layers where the inner layer is primarily rich in Feand Cr, and the outer layer in Fe only. At 1073 K, formation of cracks can be observed in the oxide scales after 24 h, whichbecame more severe after 1000 h. The oxidation kinetics, when fitted to an Arrhenius type equation, can be associated withactivation energy (Q) and parabolic rate constant (kp) values. The Q values lie within 104–109 kJ/mol, whereas the kp valuesincrease with temperature due to increase in the reaction rate. The kinetic equation developed based on the Q and kp valuescan be used to predict the thickness (inner, outer and overall) of the oxide scales in T91 steel at any temperature and timewithin the studied ranges.