
Astrophysically Important 26Si States Studied with the 28Si(4He,6He)26Si Reaction
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Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 53(2), pp.1141-1145 Aug, 2008
The emission of a 1.809-MeV γ-ray from the first excited state of 26Mg, followed by β-decay of 26Al in its ground state (denoted as 26Alg.s.), has been identied by several gamma-ray telescopes. To resolve the controversy over the possible sources of the observational 1.809-MeV γ-rays, one needs accurate knowledge of the production rate of 26Alg.s.. The 25Al(p,γ)26Si reaction is one of the most important astrophysical reactions to be investigated, but its rate is uncertain due to the lack of level information on 26Si above the proton threshold (Qpγ = 5.518 MeV). Illiadis et al. suggested that the 25Al(p,γ)26Si reaction should be dominated by a 3+ unnatural parity state at Ex = 5970 keV. Recent studies proposed several states as candidates for the 3+ states. However, the spin-parity assignments for these states are still uncertain. In the present work, we measured the 28Si(4He,6He)26Si reaction at 120 MeV to confirm the unnatural parity states just above the proton threshold. The measurement was performed with the high-resolution particle analyzer at the Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo. We observed a total of 22 excited states in 26Si. The 7018-keV level, which was only observed by Bardayan et al. with the 28Si(p; t)26Si reaction, was confirmed in our measurement. Among the candidates of unnatural parity states at Ex = 5678, 5916, and 5945 keV, the 5918-keV state was only observed within the error of the excitation energy. A new state at Ex = 6101 keV was also identified.