
Biometry of Genitalia, Incidence of Gynecological Disorders and Pregnancy Loss in Black Bengal Goat : An Abattoir Study
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한국동물생명공학회지, 30(1), pp.51-57 Mar, 2015
This study was aimed to determine the biometry of genital organs, incidence of gynecological disorders and pregnancyloss in Black Bengal goat (Capra hircus). Genitalia of 118 does were collected from local abattoirs. Biometric parametersof genital organs were measured and gross and histopathological examinations were carried out for detectionof abnormalities. For gravid uterus, age of the fetus was determined by measuring crown-rump length. There was nosignificant difference in the length, width and weight of right and left ovaries (P>0.05). However, the number offollicles between left (5.3 ± 2.3) and right ovaries (7.4 ± 2.7) varied significantly (P<0.05). The mean length of rightfallopian tube and uterine horn were not varied with those of left fallopian tube and uterine horn. The length of uterinebody, cervix and vagina were 1.3 ± 0.1 cm, 3.3 ± 0.5 cm and 6.8 ± 1.3 cm, respectively. Overall, 29 (24.6%) genitaliahad abnormalities. Fifteen genitalia (12.7%) had ovarian abnormalities including ovaro-bursal adhesions (6.8%), parovariancyst (5.1%) and follicular cyst (0.9%). Uterine abnormalities were found in 12 genitalia (10.2%) and predominantuterine lesion was endometritis (6.8%) followed by adenomyosis (1.7%), hemorrhagic lesion on endometrial surface(0.9%) and cyst in broad ligament (0.9%). In addition, cyst in fallopian tube (0.9%) and vagina (0.9%) were recorded. The proportion of slaughtered pregnant goats was 15.3% (18/118). The pregnancy wastage was highest in the firstmonth (50.0%) followed by second (33.3%) and third (16.7%) month. It can be concluded that ovaro-bursal adhesions,parovarian cyst and endometritis are the gynecological disorders of major concern in Black Bengal goat.

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