
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Rotating Backward Extrusion as a New SPD Process
Document Type
Metals and Materials International, 26(12), pp.1786-1796 Dec, 2020
Rotating backward extrusion (RBE) as a new severe plastic deformation technique is a continuous process to produce cylindricaltubes with fine grains and superior properties. In this study, the RBE process with an open punch was applied to theAZ80 alloy at 653 K, and the deformation mechanisms and the microstructure evolution were examined by the finite elementmethod (FEM) and thermal simulation experiment. The results showed that the effective strain of the RBE process was higherthan that of the conventional backward extrusion (CBE) process, and the strain increased with revolutions increasing. Thestrain improvement of the RBE process was related to the large cumulative plastic deformation imposed by the continuousrotation of the open punch. Furthermore, the extrusion load was reduced significantly in the RBE process comparing withthe CBE process, due to the change of friction stress and stress state of the materials. And the maximum load reduction ofthe FEM and experiment was 47.33% and 31.6%, respectively. The average grain size of the RBE sample could be reducedby up to 90% in the region A at 30 N compared with the CBE sample. The maximum increase in microhardness of the RBEsample relative to the CBE sample was 23% at 30 N in the region A. Therefore, the grain refinement and mechanical propertiesof the materials can be substantially improved by the RBE process.