
Characteristics of the Strategic Security of Northeast Asia under the Role Reversal of Rising Powers and Hegemonic Powers
Document Type
중국사회과학논총, 5(2), pp.185-223 Aug, 2023
当前国际安全形势充满着不确定因素,全球面临着百年未有之大变局, 国际体系和国际秩序正在经历深度调整,全球安全治理下中美博弈日益激烈,中国 在东北亚安全格局中地位已提高,对于现在的国际安全环境问题而言,中美大国定 位相关的角色认知理论再次登上舞台。基于传统角色理论分析中美博弈对于战略安 全形势已呈现出不足之处,仅从角色合法性及角色认知共性角度阐述存在一定局限 性。文章结合社会学角色理论中的角色采择能力以及加布里埃尔·A·阿尔蒙德的 国际安全输出结果与反馈体系剖析中美竞合对于区域的认知影响与反馈,且权力转 移一定程度上完善了现有分析机制。通过因果机制推理和实证检验发现崛起国与霸 权国之间双重结构互动角色采择能力强弱对区域安全输出以及权力博弈有着重要影 响,角色采择能力深刻改变区域安全内化差异性及其地区安全秩序,角色的定位以 及换位思考能力的高低,对于国际冲突的防御有着重要作用,角色采择能力缺失, 对于国家安全困境的担忧,正在加剧当前东北亚地区安全秩序的负担,协调各国外 交事务与各方对话是当务之急,而中国的三大全球倡议实质上正在推动角色互换之 下角色采择能力的提升,而韩国也在与日本修复其地缘关系,极大力度相互依赖彼 此,并力图平衡中美角色互换带来的弊与利。研究崛起国与霸权国角色采择能力, 有助于发掘一个新的研究视角,中美双方也需要重视东北亚区域的政治信任以及政 治心理。
The current international security situation is full of uncertainties, the world is facing major changes unprecedented in a century, the international system and international order are undergoing deep adjustments, the Sino-US game under global security governance is becoming increasingly fierce, China's status in the security pattern in Northeast Asia has been improved, and for the current international security environment issues, the theory of the role of Great Powers in China and the United States has once again appeared on the stage. Based on the traditional role theory, the analysis of the Sino-US game has shown deficiencies in the strategic security situation, and there are certain limitations only from the perspective of role legitimacy and commonality of role cognition. The article combines the ability to choose roles in sociological role theory with Gabriel Berger’s role-making abilities. A. Almond's international security output results and feedback system analyze the cognitive impact and feedback of Sino-US competition on regional regions, and the transfer of power to a certain extent improves the existing analysis mechanism. Through causal mechanism reasoning and empirical testing, it is found that the dual structural interaction between rising countries and hegemonic countries has an important impact on regional security output and power game, and the role selection ability profoundly changes the internalization differences of regional security and its regional security order, the positioning of roles and the level of empathy thinking ability, which plays an important role in the defense of international conflicts. While China's three major global initiatives are essentially promoting the enhancement of role-taking capacity in the context of role-switching, South Korea is also repairing its geo-relations with Japan and is highly interdependent on each other, and tries to balance the advantages and disadvantages of the role exchange between China and the United States. The study of the rising power and the hegemonic power can help to explore a new research perspective. The US and China also need to pay attention to the political trust and Political Psychology in Northeast Asia.