
Experimental Study on Microstructure and Hydraulic Performance of Bentonite Modified Loess
Document Type
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 27(7), pp.2778-2791 Jul, 2023
The impact of natural sodium bentonite on the microstructure, permeability and strengthcharacteristics of bentonite-modified loess (BML) were evaluated by scanning electron microscope(SEM) test, triaxial flexible wall permeability test, uniaxial compression test and direct sheartests. The experimental results indicate that bentonite can be used for loess solidificationattributed to its effective particle filling, water absorption and expansion characteristics. Thequantitative parameters of SEM images such as the average pore area, width, length andsurface porosity of BML declined first and then increased with bentonite content, and thelowest was observed at a bentonite content of 15%. The hydraulic conductivity of BMLdeclined with increasing bentonite content and was lower than the maximum allowable limitof 1.0 × 10−9 m/s. The uniaxial compressive strength and shear strength parameters of BMLincreased initially and subsequently declined as bentonite content increased. A normalizedprediction model was established for modified loess based on the correlation betweenmechanical characteristics and the microscopic pore parameters, which was verified to berational in estimating the macro- and micro-scale properties of BML. Therefore, when theanti-seepage landfill layers are constructed in the Loess Plateau area, 15% of bentonite isrecommended in modified loess, which has optimal impermeability and mechanical properties.