
Towards Full Thickness Small Intestinal Models: Incorporation of Stromal Cells
Document Type
조직공학과 재생의학, 21(3), 21, pp.369-377 Apr, 2024
Introduction Since small intestine is one of the major barriers of the human body, there is a need to develop reliable in vitro human small intestinal models. These models should incorporate both the epithelial and lamina propria compartments and have similar barrier properties compared to that of the human tissue. These properties are essential for various applications, such as studying cell–cell interaction, intestinal diseases and testing permeability and metabolism of drugs and other compounds. The small intestinal lamina propria contains multiple stromal cell populations with several important functions, such as secretion of extracellular matrix proteins and soluble mediators. In addition, stromal cells influence the intestinal epithelial barrier, support the intestinal stem cell niche and interact with immune cells. Methods In this review, we provide an extensive overview on the different types of lamina propria stromal cells found in small intestine and describe a combination of molecular markers that can be used to distinguish each different stromal cell type. We focus on studies that incorporated stromal cells into human representative small intestine models cultured on transwells. Results and Conclusion These models display enhanced epithelial morphology, increased cell proliferation and human-like barrier properties, such as low transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and intermediate permeability, thus better mimicking the native human small intestine than models only consisting of an epithelium which generally show high TEER and low permeability.