
글로벌 건강교육 교과과정에 관한 연구
A Study on the Curriculum of Global Health Education
Document Type
한국간호교육학회지, 22(2), pp.220-227 May, 2016
Purpose: This study aimed to understand current global health education and suggest its future direction forKorean undergraduate nursing students. Methods: After reviewing literature to identify key concepts applicable toglobal health nursing curricula, the authors analyzed global health curricula from 98 nursing colleges by using aframework that was developed for this study. Results: Among the 201 nursing colleges, 98 (48.8%) schoolsoffered one or more global health-related courses. The titles of these courses were divided into two categories:Multiculturalism and international nursing. Multicultural courses were offered mainly for freshmen (40.5%) orsophomore students (40.5%), whereas international nursing courses were offered mainly for senior students (35.9%). These courses trained nursing students to be culturally competent in providing nursing care for immigrants orforeign travelers living in South Korea. Conclusions: It is evident that interest in global health education isgrowing in South Korea. However, the scope and content of global health education needs to be broadened beyondmulticulturalism and international nursing so that it can prepare nursing students to promote global health equity,reduce global health disparities, and work competently with globally-focused organizations.
201개 간호학과 중 글로벌 건강관련 교과목을 운영하는 간호학과 교과과정표를 근거로 하여 글로벌 건강교육 실태를분석한 결과, 이들 중 중 98개(48.8%)의 간호학과에서 한 개이상의 글로벌 건강교육을 실시하고 있음을 확인하였으며 이는 국내간호교육이 글로벌 건강과 글로벌 건강 교육 역량으로 가고 있는 국제간호가 지향하는 현대적 흐름을 인식하고있다는 것을 반영한다. 그러나 글로벌 건강 교육과 관련된 과목을 다문화간호’ 혹은 ‘국제간호’관련 교과목으로 분류하여분석한 결과, 국내 간호학과의 글로벌 건강교육은 국내 다문화 그룹의 건강에 초점을 두고 있었으며, 지구촌 시민 모두의건강불균형을 해소하는 것에 초점을 둔 현대 글로벌 건강 교육과 사회정의를 구현하는데 한계가 있음을 확인하였다.