
Comparative analysis of type 2 diabetes-associated gut microbiota between Han and Mongolian people
Document Type
The Journal of Microbiology, 59(7), pp.693-701 Jul, 2021
Due to the different rates of diabetes in different ethnic groupsand the structural differences in intestinal microbiota, thisstudy evaluated the changes in diabetes-related intestinal microbiotain two ethnic groups. Fifty-six stool samples werecollected from subjects from the Han and Mongolian ethnicgroups in China, including participants without diabetes(non-diabetic, ND) and with type 2 diabetes (T2D). The 16SrDNA gene V3 + V4 area was extracted from microbiota,amplified by PCR, and used to perform high-throughput sequencingand screen differential microbiota associated withethnicity. The results showed that there were 44 T2D-relatedbacterial markers in the Han subjects, of which Flavonifractor,Alistipes, Prevotella, Oscillibacter, Clostridium XlVa,and Lachnospiracea_incertae_sedis were most closely relatedto diabetes. There were 20 T2D-related bacterial markers inthe Mongolian subjects, of which Fastidiosipila and Barnesiellawere most closely related to diabetes. The commonmarkers of T2D bacteria in the two ethnic groups were Papillibacterand Bifidobacterium. There were 17 metabolic pathwayswith significant differences between the ND and T2Dgroups in the Han group, and 29 metabolic pathways in theMongolian group. The glutamatergic metabolic pathway wasthe only common metabolic pathway in two ethnic groups. The composition and function of diabetes-related bacteriawere significantly different among the different ethnic groups,which suggested that the influence of ethnic differences shouldbe fully considered when studying the association betweendiabetes and bacteria. In addition, the common bacterialmarkers found in diabetic patients of different ethnic groupsin this study can be used as potential targets to study the pathogenesisand treatment of diabetes.