
Phylogeography of Gloiopeltis furcata sensu lato (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) provides the evidence of glacial refugia in Korea and Japan
Document Type
ALGAE, 36(1), pp.13-24 Mar, 2021
The present-day genetic structure of macroalgal species reflects both geographical history and oceanic circulationpatterns as well as anthropogenic introduction across native ranges. To precisely understand the genetic diversity andhow the factors shape the current population structure of Gloiopeltis furcata sensu lato, we determined the mitochondrial5′ end of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI-5P) sequences for 677 individuals sampled from 67 sites spanningalmost the entire distribution range in Korea and Japan. Results from the phylogenetic analysis and haplotype distributionrevealed eleven distinct lineages within G. furcata s.l. along the Korea-Japan coastal areas and displayed divergentphylogeographic patterns among lineages. Despite the closely related lineages distributed in same habitats as high rockyintertidal zone, they display different phylogeographic patterns among lineages. The populations from the south ofKorea-Japan harbored the highest genetic diversity and unique endemism in comparison with other populations in thedistribution range. This could be the evidence of southern refugia for G. furcata s.l. in the Northwest (NW) Pacific and the recent migrationfrom native to introduced region. The reason is that an exceptional distribution pattern was found high geneticdiversity in Hakodate of Japan where is the northern location in the NW Pacific. Our results imply the contemporaryinfluence on the distribution due to current circulation pattern and anthropogenic effects. These phylogeographic findingsprovide the important insight into cryptic species diversity and the detailed distribution pattern of Gloiopeltis inthe NW Pacific.