
벼 재배환경에서의 iprobenfos 및 tricyclazole의 거동 연구
Fate of Iprobenfos and Tricyclazole at Paddy Cultivation Environment
Document Type
대한환경공학회지, 45(12), pp.603-611 Dec, 2023
목적 : 벼 재배과정 중 살포된 iprobenfos 및 tricyclazole의 토양 및 논물의 거동과 하천수 유출 가능성을 확인하였다. 방법 : 벼의 영농형태와 동일하게 iprobenfos와 tricyclazole을 농약안전사용기준에 맞춰 두 포장에 동일하게 살포한 후 토양, 논물, 배수된 물을 28일 동안 시료를 채취하여 잔류량을 분석하였다. 결과 및 토의 : 벼 재배환경 중 두 농약의 거동은 토양 반감기, 토양-유기물 흡착계수(Koc), 수용해도(solubility in water), 제형 및 강우조건 등에 영향을 받았다. 배수로 근처 논물과 배수된 물 중 iprobenfos 및 tricyclazole의 초기 농도는 5,774, 1,850 μg/L와 307, 182 μg/L이었다. 농약 살포 4일 후부터 iprobenfos와 tricyclazole의 논물과 배수된 물의 잔류농도 범위는 N.D.-5.6 μg/L, N.D.-56 μg/L으로 농도가 빠르게 감소하였다. 시험기간 동안 배수로 근처의 논물과 배수된 물에서의 평균 농도 저감율은 tricyclazole(90%)이 iprobenfos(52%)보다 높았다. 결론 : 토양 및 수계 반감기는 tricyclazole이 iprobenfos보다 높아 벼 재배환경에서의 토양과 논물에서의 농도 저감율이 낮고, tricyclazole은 Koc가 낮아 강우에 의해 토양 중 농약이 탈착 되어 논물의 농도를 증가시키는 원인으로 작용하였다. Iprobenfos 및 tricyclazole은 농약의 물리〮화학적 특성에 따른 토양 중 거동에 의한 이동으로 하천수로 유출되기 보다는 오히려 농약 살포 등 농업활동을 통해 높은 농도의 농약들이 주변 하천수로 유출 가능성이 높을 것으로 판단된다.
Objectives : This study aimed to identify the fate of iprobenfos and tricyclazole in the soil and paddy water during the rice cultivation process and to identify their exposure pathways into surface water. Methods : Both iprobenfos and tricyclazole were sprayed onto two sample sites following the pesticide safety usage guidelines. Residues in the samples. Soil, paddy water, and drainage water samples were collected for 28 days after post-application. Residues were subsequently analyzed using LC-MS/MS. Results and Discussion : The fate of the two pesticides, iprobenfos and tricyclazole, in the rice cultivation environment was influenced by factors such as soil half-life, Koc, water solubility, formulation, and precipitation patterns. Initial concentrations of iprobenfos and tricyclazole in the paddy field near the drainage were 5,774 μg/L and 307 μg/L, respectively, while concentrations in the drain water were 1,850 μg/L and 182 μg/L. Four days after application, the residual concentrations of iprobenfos and tricyclazole in both paddy and drain water ranged from N.D. (Not Detected) to 5.6 μg/L and N.D. to 56 μg/L, respectively, indicating a rapid decline. During the experimental period, the average concentration reduction ratios in drain water near the drainage compared to the drain water were higher for tricyclazole (90%) than for iprobenfos (52%). Conclusion : The soil and water half-life of tricyclazole exceeded that of iprobenfos, leading to a slower rate of concentration reduction. The lower Koc value for tricyclazole suggests enhanced soil desorption due to rainfall, increasing its concentration in paddy fields. The presence of iprobenfos and tricyclazole in surface water is likely due to dispersion during pesticide application. While concentrations diminish owing to the dilution effect when water moves from paddy fields to surface water, it's posited that runoff could affect nearby stream water within seven days post-application.