
편측 갑상선 절제술시 배액관 유무에 따른 유용성 비교 연구
Comparison of Negative Drainage Groups and No Drainage Groups after Hemithyroidectomy
Document Type
임상이비인후과, 32(1), pp.53-58 Jun, 2021
Background and Objectives: A thyroidectomy is an operation that can lead to life-threatening complications. The drainage after thyroidectomy has been suggested to prevent these complications. The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and safety of hemithyroidectomy without drains. Materials and Methods: This retrospective casecontrol study included all hemithyroidectomies with central neck dissection (CND) or without CND performed at the single hospital from January 2015 to December 2017. The demographic data, operation times, hospital days, and postoperative complications were evaulated. Results: During the study period, Two hundred–twenty patients who were underwent hemithyroidectomy for benign or well differentiated carcinoma. The majority of patients were female (N=153, 69.5%). Drains were inserted postoperatively after 102 surgeries (46.4%) compared to 118 surgeries (53.6%) without drains. There were no significant difference in seroma, hematoma, infection, vocal cord palsy, hypocalcemia between drain group and without drain group(p>0.05). However, there were significant difference in operation times and hospital days between drain group and without drain group (p<0.001, p<0.001, respectively). Conclusions: The tumor size in drain group tended to be relatively large, and hospital days and operation times were significantly increased. However, there were no differences in postoperative complications between drain and without drain groups