
CSR 유형과 커뮤니케이션 방법이 기업 평판에 미치는 효과
The effects of CSR Types and Communication methods on Corporate Reputation
Document Type
창조와 혁신, 16(3), pp.211-260 Sep, 2023
최근 전 세계적으로 정부, 협력사, 임직원, 소비자, 미디어, 시민사회 등 기업을둘러싼 다양한 이해관계자들의 지속가능경영에 대한 관심과 요구가 증가하고 있다. 이에 따라 기업은 CSR 전략을 고도화하고, 이해관계자들의 니즈를 고려하여CSR 커뮤니케이션을 효율적·효과적으로 개선해야하는 과제에 직면했다. 그러나아직까지 주요 이해관계자인 고객으로부터의 평가를 높이기 위한 CSR 유형 및 커뮤니케이션 전략에 대한 효과성 연구는 이뤄지지 않았다. 이에 본 연구에서는CSR 유형을 자선적 CSR과 전략적 CSR로 구분하여 기업 평판에 대한 소비자의평가가 어떻게 달라지는지 살펴봤다. 또한 뉴스보도에서 활용되는 객관적인 통계수치와 구체적인 예시를 반영한 커뮤니케이션 분야의 ‘예시이론(Exemplification Theory)’을 CSR에 접목하여, 동일한 CSR 활동이더라도 CSR 커뮤니케이션 방법(뉴스보도 유형)에 따라 기업 평판이 어떻게 달라지는지 시사점을 제공한다는 점에서 기존 문헌과 실무에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.
Recently, interest and demand for social responsibility and sustainability management of various stakeholders surrounding companies such as government, suppliers, employees, consumers, media, and civil society are increasing around the world. In addition, the concept of CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) is expanding to the promise and efforts of overall sustainability management to consider various stakeholders in the process in which a company runs its business and make decisions, minimize the negative impact of the company on the economy, society, and environment and to increase the positive impact. As a result, companies are faced with the task of strengthening CSR communication strategies with internal and external stakeholders. In fact, many companies are disclosing CSR data through various channels such as website, press release, blog, and SNS. In particular, there is deepening concern about measures and effectiveness to enhance CSR communication strategy using media that is difficult for companies to directly manage and control but that can raise reliability from the public. In this study: First, we are to divide CSR types into Philanthropic CSR and strategic CSR to see how consumers' responses to and evaluation of corporate reputation. Second, we are to examine the impact on the corporate evaluation of consumers who are exposed to CSR content depending on the type that reflects specific examples and objective statistical figures(accurate base-rate information) used primarily in news reports. We also are to examine whether the reputation of a company will change according to the interaction between the combinations of CSR type and news report type and whether the results are different according to consumers' awareness and understanding of CSR. The hypotheses were set and verified through theoretical considerations, and the results are as follows: First, it was found that consumers highly evaluate the overall management and social accountability, including the company’s vision and leadership, product and service innovation, organizational culture, social responsibility and ethical management when the company is involved in strategic CSR activities that are linked to the company's business and value chain rather than Philanthropic CSR(donation and sponsorship) Second, it was verified that despite the same CSR activities, consumers’ evaluation of the company may be changed according to how the news report types and principles are utilized. It was found that when both objective statistical figures and concrete examples are used rather than CSR reports that provide only concrete examples through interviews, consumers highly evaluate risk and opportunity factors depending on the financial ability of the company, outstanding financial performance compared to competing companies, and profitability. It was also found that consumers highly evaluate the reputation of the company's financial performance when both examples of Philanthropic CSR activities and objective statistical data are used rather than news reporting strategic CSR activities using examples. Third, it was concluded that corporate evaluations between consumers with high CSR awareness and understanding and those with low CSR awareness and understanding may vary depending on the type of CSR and the type of a news report. Based on the above results, this study was to analyze the effect of CSR type and news report type on corporate reputation to verify the effect of CSR communication at the theoretical level and give corporate executives guidelines to help them in their CSR communication strategy in practical terms. In addition, this study is of significance in that it included an innovative business model and integrated strategy for solving social and environmental problems in a strategic CSR type and analyzed the effect of comparing it with Philanthropic CSR beyond previous studies that have analyzed the effectiveness of CSR within the scope of social c...