
해남도(海南岛)와 주변해역에 대한 역사적 고찰
A Historical Review in the waters off Haenam Island
Document Type
해양유산연구, 0(14), pp.175-211 Jun, 2021
중국 정부가 계획한 남중국해 최남단 해남도 자유무역항 개발은 역사적 기원을 지니고 있다. 8,000년 전, 해남도가 대륙에서 완전히 분리된 후, 그 주변에 70~80개의 항만이 형성되었으며신석기시대부터 사람들이 해남도에서 어로활동을 하며 모여 살았다. 진한시대에는 남중국해 해상실크로드가 해남도 서부(북부만)를 통과하면서 항구들이 생겨 진귀한 바다거북, 대모, 진주, 자패들이 대륙으로 건너갔다. 당대에는 ‘광주통해이도(廣州通海夷道)’가 개통되면서 해남도 동부에또 하나의 유명한 항구가 생겼다.
Hainan Island is the second largest island in China (the first largest island is Taiwan). It is not only geographically important, but the two most famous maritime silk roads in the South China Sea in history also pass through the seas to the west and east of Hainan Island (One is the Xuwen and Hepu Roads formed during the Qin and Han dynasties; the other is the "Guangzhou Tonghaiyi Road" formed during the Tang Dynasty) In April 2018, the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping announced the construction of Hainan free trade port with Chinese characteristic on the entire island of Hainan. This decision is a major decision made by the Chinese government, focusing on the overall international and domestic development situation, in-depth research, overall consideration, and scientific planning. It is not accidental that the central government chose Hainan Island to build a free trade port. Profoundly discussing the origin characteristics and historical development process of Hainan Port can give us many useful enlightenments and references.