
Analysis of suprascapular nerve neuropathy due to the rotator cuff tear / 腱板断裂に伴う肩甲上神経麻痺の検討
Document Type
Journal Article
肩関節 / Katakansetsu. 2013, 37(2):673
rotator cuff tear
suprascapular neuropathy
Background: There were few reports that the massive rotator cuff tear induced suprascapular nerve neuropathy due to the retraction of rotator cuff tendon. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of the suprascapular nerve neuropathy due to rotator cuff tear.Methods: 187 shoulders whose average age was 62.6 years old, that had intact rotator cuff on the contralateral side, no shoulder pain, no previous operation and no neurologic disorder were included in this study. Tear size was as followed; bursal side tear ; 34 shoulders, small tear; 48 shoulders, medium tear; 51 shoulders, large tear; 44 shoulders, massive tear 10 cases. Compound action potential and EMG were performed using nueropack S1, and sensation of the posterolateral shoulder were evaluated. Latency of supraspinatus and infraspinatus were compared between sides and denervation was evaluated by EMG.Results: Although there was no difference in the latency of supraspinatus and infraspinatus between the two, chronic denervation was observed in infraspinatus in 5 cases (Large tear: 3 cases, massive tear: 2 cases). There was wide variation in the sensation of the posterolateral side of the shoulder so that sensationof the posterolateral side of the shoulder was not useful in our results.Conclusion: There was possibility that denervation of infraspinatus was induced by the retraction of infraspinatus with the compression of suprascapular nerve into scapular spine.

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