
Interflection in a Japanese Living Room with a Suspended Luminaire / 住宅用照明器具による室内相互反射
Document Type
Journal Article
照明学会雑誌 / Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan. 1965, 49(1):4
Most of Japanese living rooms adopt a general lighting system with a suspended luminaire at the center of a room. A rational design of their lighting must be based on a prediction of the luminous emittance of the room surface.In order to predict the horizontal illuminance distributions on the floor or a horizontal plane 40 cm above the floor in a room (2.7m ×2.7m×2.4 m), we made a calculation of interflections using the light distributions of the luminaire.In this case the considered square room was replaced by a cylinder one which has the same floor area and height as those of the square room so that the shape factors and the initial luminous emittances might be easily calcualted.However, to apply this treatment in practice, it is necessary to know how the results obtained from the cylinder approximation agree with those obtained from the square room.To study this problem the square room and the cylinder one were divided into 18 and 9 surface elements respectively and the following linear simultaneous equations were solved by using a digital computer.(Bendix G-15).Li=Loi+ρi nΣ(j=1) FijLjwhere Fij=1/πAi∫Ai∫Ajcosθicosθj/rij2dAidAjρi=reflectance of an element i, Loi=inital luminous emittance of an element i, and Li=final luminous emittance of element i, When the calculated results of interflections in the cylinder room were compared with those of the square room, the former showed lower values than the latter because of self-interflections being neglected in the reentrant surface elements.It, however, became clear that those two results were in exceedingly good agreement when self-interflections in the reentrant surfaces were taken into account.We also measured the horizontal illuminance distributions on the floor and on a horizontal plane 40cm above the floor in a model room to check the reliability of our calcuation. The experimental results showed good agrement with those of calculation within the experimental errors.