
SIMS analysis of oxide films formed on Fe-20Cr-5Al alloys / 二次イオン質量分析法による鉄-20 クロム-5 アルミニウム合金の高温酸化皮膜の分析
Document Type
Journal Article
分析化学 / BUNSEKI KAGAKU. 1996, 45(6):625
charge neutralization
oxidation resistance
A charge neutralization method in SIMS was successfully applied to the analysis of La, Fe and Cr in Al2O3 films formed on Fe-20Cr-5Al alloy. The method consists of the preevaporation of Al or Au on the surface of the specimen except for the masked region and simultaneous irradiation of electrons. The surface charge was compensated for by the electron irradiation. The pre-evaporated film served as the surface charge path. Elemental depth profiles of the oxide films on annealed and as-rolled Fe-20Cr-5Al alloys showed that Fe and Cr were enriched in the surface region, the Fe concentration in the former being lower than that in the latter. La and Al were also enriched in the surface region on annealed specimens before oxidation. These results suggest that the diffusion of O during high temperature oxidation is retarded by the surface oxide film on annealed specimens, and consequently resistance to high temperature oxidation was improved.