
A New DICOM Viewer System for the Comparative Diagnosis of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms / 未破裂脳動脈瘤フォローアップ外来におけるDICOMビュアーの工夫
Document Type
Journal Article
脳卒中の外科 / Surgery for Cerebral Stroke. 2018, 46(5):393
DICOM viewer
follow up MRA
unruptured intracranial aneurysm
Filmless diagnosis has been widely used in clinical practice since 2008 due to a change in the health insurance system of Japan. However, in follow-up studies of unruptured intracranial aneurysms, which require frequent image comparisons, there is little benefit of filmless diagnosis. In the film era, it was easy to compare two sets of 100 images in five films. However, filmless diagnosis at that time was not only time consuming, but also increased the workload of the doctors. We introduced a DICOM viewer consisting of six monitors and made several improvements, so that its performance is good enough for reporting. Now, on double-clicking the imaging list, the viewer system consisting of six monitors shows 120 images at a time. Each monitor shows the first 20 images from the first to the sixth imaging series. Using a short cut key, the system shows the next 120 images. Each monitor then shows the first 20 images of the seventh to the twelfth imaging series. Double-clicking on the images allows precise observation by magnifying the images, and moving the mouse wheel allows scrolling through the images. For comparative diagnosis, previous combinations of the diagnostic images of the same patient are listed and continuously displayed and can be recalled by double-clicking. Interchanging the previous images with the most recent images requires only one action, i.e., drag and drop. The images are then automatically inserted at the same image number, in the same division manner, in the same magnifying power, and in the same position. This new sequence can be saved and added to the list with a single click, followed by pressing enter. Our new DICOM viewer system is more useful than not only the previous monitor system, but also the film viewing screen system in the old film era.