
ATP動態を指標としたオステオサイトの生体イメージング研究 / Intravital imaging to visualize mechanosensing by osteocytes using ATP dynamics
Document Type
Journal Article
Proceedings for Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society. 2023, :2-3
To facilitate our research, we developed specialized fixtures using an optical 3D printer and securely anchored bone tissue using biocompatible cement. We selected a strain of mice expressing GO-ATeam2, a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based biosensor for ATP, either in the cytosol or mitochondria, as ATP dynamics are recognized as indicative of osteocyte mechanosensing. We obtained fluorescent images from distinct organelles within the osteocytes. Subsequently, we applied static loads along the tibia's long axis using an actuator and monitored the applied force with a load cell. Fluorescent images were captured under various loading conditions. Our investigation into cytosolic ATP dynamics in osteocytes under bone loading, as analyzed through cytosol-localized GO-ATeam2, revealed no significant differences in ratio values at 1N and 3N compared to 0N. However, a noteworthy decrease was observed at 5N and 7N. Similarly, our examination of intramitochondrial ATP dynamics using mitochondria-localized GO-ATeam2 displayed no significant deviations in ratio values across loading conditions ranging from 1N to 7N when compared to 0N.