
The shortened version of the Western Aphasia Battery (the WAB) / 短縮版WAB失語症検査
Document Type
Journal Article
認知神経科学 / Japanese Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2022, 23(3+4):115
This study was aimed to devise the shortened version of the Western Aphasia Battery (the WAB). A factor analysis of scores of 203 aphasics on the WAB was performed to clarify the factorial structure of the WAB. Among eight factors which were interpreted, six factors oral language, phonogram word com-prehension, ideogram word comprehension, serial writing and copying, phonogram writing, and auditory comprehension were closely related to aphasia. Thirteen test items with higher factor loading on the six factors were selected. Further a cluster analysis was per-formed on the scores of the WAB. From the result six test items of the thirteen test items were withdrawn and five test items were added. Consequently the shortened version of the WAB consists of twelve test items taking twenty or thirty minutes for most aphasics. It can classify about 90% of aphasics into Broca’s, Wernike’s, grobal, and amnestic aphasia. The shortened version of the WAB is appropriate for screening aphasics. And the using with the WAB makes it more practical.