
Creating learning that encourages students to think and express themselves independently ~Judo lessons developed through Project-Based Learning~ / 生徒が主体的に考え表現する学びの創造 ~プロジェクト型学習で展開する柔道単元~
Document Type
Journal Article
お茶の水女子大学附属中学校研究紀要 / Bulletin Ochanomizu University Junior High School. 2022, 51:223
In this study, we developed and implemented a project-type judo unit class in the martial arts area of junior high school health and physical education, in which students create a demonstration presentation centered on the creation of UKEMI NO KATA and express the appeal of judo, and verified its effectiveness. The results of the analysis of the Learning Perspective/Learning Strategy Scale and Formative Class Evaluation suggested that students may have developed a view of physical education through the project-based judo unit that emphasizes the cooperative development of appeal and knowledge through physical exercise, rather than the supreme goal of improving skills and physical strength, and that students may have developed an open-ended learning style that allows them to feel the results of their work. The results of the analysis of the open-ended learning revealed that the students were proactively engaged in the program with a sense of accomplishment in response to the results. The results of the analysis of the free description suggested that the students' thinking about the Japanese martial art forms and the appeal of judo through the judo classes in which demonstrations and kata were performed were taken as a real sense of learning by the students.