
Type I Allergy in Guinea Pig Inner Ear I. Distribution of Mast Cells and Given Carbon Particles in the Inner Ear
Document Type
Journal Article
Ear Research Japan. 1985, 16(1):221
It must be, undoubtedly, a primary condition to provoke type I reaction to the animal that the mast cells are distributed in the inner ear. We histologically examined whether the mast cells could be found in the inner ear of the guinea pig, which would be used as an experimental model. The mast cells were found surrounding well-developed capillaries in subepithelial connective tissue of the endolymphatic sac. However, they were not detected in the stria vascularis in the cases examined. Another condition, which has to be preliminarily standardized, is how to challenge the antigen into the target tissue. Consequently, carbon particles were injected through the stylomastoid foramen of normal guinea pigs, that had been previously developed. Injected carbon particles were found in perilymphatic and endolymphatic spaces, the connective tissue of the endolymphatic sac and in Corti's organ. In our study, therefore, guinea pigs passively sensitized with 72-hr PCA antibody to DNP were challenged with DNP through the foramen, and we found the degranulated mast cells in the endolymphatic sac of the guinea pig.