
Significance of Lymph Node Dissection of Neck and Upper Mediastinum according to Metastatic Analysis of 3-Field Dissection for Cancer of the Thoracic Esophagus / 胸部食道癌に対する3領域リンパ節郭清例の転移状況よりみた頸部, 上縦隔郭清の意義
Document Type
Journal Article
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 / The Japanese Journal of Gastroenterological Surgery. 1999, 32(10):2469
survival rate
thoracic esophageal cancer
three field dissetion
We evaluated the significance of lymph node dissection of neck and upper mudiastinumand prognosis according to the number of metastatic lymph node. Two hundred twenty-five cases of thoracic esophageal cancer patients underwent three-field dissection from 1986 to 1997. The rate of lymph node metastasis was 66.7%, while the rate of necklymph node metastasis was 17.3%. The mode of lymph node metastasis depend on the region occupied by the tumor, but the metastasis is found throughout in these three field, and was noted to the upper mediastinum, around recurrent nerve and further to the neck as the first lymph node metastasis. The prognosis was not correlated with theexistence of neck lymph, but the number of lymph node more than four produced poor prognosis. The superficial esophageal cancer extending beyond sm2, regarded as havingfrequent lymph node metastasis, and the advanced cancer had the possibility to have neck lymph node measasis. Thereby the systemic three lymph node dissection was found necessary for these cases at this moment, when the preoperative diagnosis of lymph node metastasis is still uneasy.