
Offering Patients Valuable Occupations Post-Acute Cerebrovascular Disease: Role of Client-Centered Occupational Therapy
Document Type
Journal Article
Journal of Internationl Exercise Sciences. 2022, 1(2):97
Acute cerebrovascular disease
Valuable Occupation
[Objective] In this study, we investigated the usefulness of providing “Valuable Occupations” to patients during the early stage of acute cerebrovascular disease as a component of client-centered occupational therapy. [Methods] A single woman in her 70s with left temporal/parietal lobe infarction was investigated in this study.“Eating, “cooking, and “handicrafts” were identified as “Valuable Occupations” per the Aid for Decision-making in Occupation Choice (ADOC) assessment; therefore, these activities were included in the occupational therapy program. The Fugl-Meyer Assessment and Simple Test for Evaluating Hand Function tools were used for assessment of physical function, and ADOC-documented satisfaction to evaluate satisfaction with “Valuable Occupations.” [Results] In addition to improved upper extremity function, we observed improved patient satisfaction with “Valuable Occupations” In addition to improvement in upper extremity function, we observed improved patient satisfaction with “Valuable Occupations” and an increased likelihood of early discharge from the hospital. [Conclusion] We recommend introduction of client-centered occupational therapy that includes “Valuable Occupations” during the acute stage of the illness to enhance a patient’s sense of self-efficacy and predict his/her future to enable improved physical function, satisfaction with the operations, and facilitate early discharge from the hospital.