
A Step Size Control Method Improving Estimation Speed in Double Talk Term
Document Type
Journal Article
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences. 2013, E96.A(7):1543
block length control
double talk
echo canceller
step size control
target error level control
In this paper, we propose a step size control method capable of quickly canceling acoustic echo even when double talk continues from the echo path change. This method controls the step size by substituting the norm of the difference vector between the coefficient vectors of a main adaptive filter (Main-ADF) and a sub-adaptive filter (Sub-ADF) for the estimation error provided by the former. Actually, the number of taps of Sub-ADF is limited to a quarter of that of Main-ADF, and the larger step size than that applied to Main-ADF is given to Sub-ADF; accordingly the norm of the difference vector quickly approximates to the estimation error. The estimation speed can be improved by utilizing the norm of the difference vector for the step size control in Main-ADF. We show using speech signals that in single talk the proposed method can provide almost the same estimation speed as the method whose step size is fixed at the optimum one and verify that even in double talk the estimation error, quickly decreases.