
EEG signal in Delboeuf illusion by evaluation based on 'same size' and 'not same size / デルブーフ錯視における内円と比較円の'同じ'・'同じでない'による評価方法と脳波変動の関連性について
Document Type
Journal Article
生体医工学 / Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering. 2018, Annual56(Abstract):66
Our study focus on relationship with optical illusion effect and EEG in human. In this paper, we record EEG signals during Delboeuf illusion task.In the experiment, we prepare a concentric circle (Delboeuf illusion stimulus) and a single circle (comparison stimulus). Subjects judge whether an inner circle of a concentric circle and a single circle is the same size. An order of one trial is shown as the followings. 1) A concentric circle is presented on the center of a computer display for 1.0[sec]. 2) A single circle is presented on the left side of the concentric circle for 0.5[sec]. 3) A blank screen is presented for 1.0[sec]. Subjects press a computer's key when subjects judge an inner circle of a concentric circle and a single circle is the same size.From results, we estimate positive potentials in 0.3[sec] after presenting concentric circle is related to effect of optical illusion.