
A transient performance of the Organic Iodine Filter for Filtered Containment Venting System of Nuclear Power Plants / 原子炉格納容器フィルタベント用有機ヨウ素フィルタの過渡性能
Document Type
Journal Article
The Proceedings of the National Symposium on Power and Energy Systems. 2018, :123
Filtered Containment Venting System
Nuclear Power Plant
Organic Iodine
Primary Containment Vessel
Severe Accident
Silver Zeolite
After the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident, Filtered Containment Venting Systems (FCVSs) were developed and installed at nuclear power plants in Japan. Using silver zeolite, a design of an additional filter had been developed for FCVSs to capture radioactive organic iodine, which cannot be captured by conventional aerosol filters. According to previous studies, to secure the absorption performance, silver zeolite must be kept dry during the operation of the FCVS. For evaluating whether silver zeolite keep dry condition or not, steam blow test was conducted with gas flow rate and dew point distance which simulated the operating condition. Furthermore in previous studies, when vent stops for some reasons, and restart venting once again, silver zeolite will be wet and organic iodine absorption performance will be dropped. But if silver zeolite can be reconditioned during vent stop, this performance drop can be prevented. So we tested reconditioning method, and evaluate effectiveness.

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