
Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Duration After Multivessel Optimal Intravascular Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Document Type
Journal Article
Circulation Journal. 2023, 87(11):1661
Coronary stent
Dual antiplatelet therapy
Intravascular ultrasound
Percutaneous coronary intervention
Methods and Results: In the OPTIVUS-Complex PCI study multivessel cohort enrolling 982 patients undergoing multivessel PCI, including left anterior descending coronary artery using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), we conducted 90-day landmark analyses to compare shorter and longer DAPT. DAPT discontinuation was defined as withdrawal of P2Y12inhibitors or aspirin for at least 2 months. The prevalence of acute coronary syndrome and high bleeding risk by the Bleeding Academic Research Consortium were 14.2% and 52.5%, respectively. The cumulative incidence of DAPT discontinuation was 22.6% at 90 days, and 68.8% at 1 year. In the 90-day landmark analyses, there were no differences in the incidences of a composite of death, myocardial infarction, stroke, or any coronary revascularization (5.9% vs. 9.2%, log-rank P=0.12; adjusted hazard ratio, 0.59; 95% confidence interval, 0.32–1.08; P=0.09) and BARC type 3 or 5 bleeding (1.4% vs. 1.9%, log-rank P=0.62) between the off- and on-DAPT groups at 90 days.