
Quantitative PCR to determine density of Ceratocystis ficicola and understand resistance of BC1 line Reikodai 1 go derived from hybridization between common fig, Ficus carica, and wild fig, F. erecta / イチジクとイヌビワの種間交雑体「励広台1号」におけるイチジク株枯病抵抗性メカニズムの解明:qPCRを用いたイチジク株枯病菌密度の「蓬莱柿」との比較
Document Type
Journal Article
日本植物病理学会報 / Japanese Journal of Phytopathology. 2022, 88(2):91
Ceratocystis canker
F. erecta
Ficus carica
interspecific hybridization
BC1 line Reikodai 1 go, derived from interspecific hybridization of Ficus carica and F. erecta, has resistance to Ceratocystis canker and thus is expected to be used as a new rootstock for fig trees. As a first step in elucidating the resistance mechanism, we used qPCR to quantify the density of Ceratocystis ficicola, the causal agent of Ceratocystis canker, in cuttings of Reikodai 1 go and in susceptible common fig variety Houraishi over time after needle-wound inoculation. Between 1 and 180 days after inoculation, samples were collected at the inoculation site and 2 and 4 cm above it. The amount of DNA of C. ficicola was limited in Reikodai 1 go cuttings relative to that in Houraishi. By 29 days, all Houraishi cuttings were dead, but all Reikodai 1 go cuttings were still alive after 180 days. These results indicate that the resistance of Reikodai 1 go prevents the migration and propagation of the C. ficicola pathogen.

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