
Business and Human Rights in Rural Africa The case of Sierra Leone / アフリカ農村部における企業と人権 シエラレオネの事例から
Document Type
Journal Article
日本経営倫理学会誌 / Journal of Japan Society for Business Ethics Study. 2023, 30:23
Since the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) in 2011, the debate over the business and human rights (BHR) has significantly developed. Companies have begun formulating human rights policies and conducting the human rights due diligence, including their overseas suppliers. Yet, in developing countries like Africa, where institutional capabilities around human rights are limited, companies tend to face serious challenges of addressing their responsibilities that are not necessarily required in the UNGPs. In addition to refraining from violating human rights, the companies are often demanded to ameliorate them through the contribution to resolving social problems from which the inhabitants are suffering. In other words, the companies are supposed not only to address BHR but also to maximize the corporate social responsibility (CSR). This paper discusses the challenges and measures to be taken by companies based on the case in Sierra Leone.