
A Case of Applying a Mouthguard with Lower Lip Exclusion to Prevent Self-injurious Behavior to the Lower Lip for a Patient with Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome / 下唇への自傷行為に対し下唇圧排型マウスガードを応用したLesch-Nyhan症候群の一例
Document Type
Journal Article
日本障害者歯科学会雑誌 / Journal of the Japanese Society for Disability and Oral Health. 2020, 41(4):307
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Mouthguard application
Self-injurious behavior
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is associated with repeated self-injurious behavior to the lower lip, buccal mucosa and tongue. Therefore, dental support to prevent self-injurious behavior of the oral cavity is important. The case was a 1 year 11 month old boy with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome who came to our hospital in the hope of specialized oral management. Self-injurious behavior to his lower lip was observed at 2 years 3 months. A mouthguard for the upper jaw was used to prevent his self-injurious behavior, but it was not successful. At 3 years 3 months, the patient’s crown height was cut on his four maxillary deciduous incisors and the four lower deciduous incisors were extracted. Furthermore, the use of a mouthguard for the lower jaw was planned. In order to exclude the lower lip, a resin was used to add thickness to the labial side of the mouthguard. By the wearing mouthguard and excluding the lower lip to the labial side, self-injurious behavior to his lower lip was prevented. Also, to increase the bite, resin was used to add thickness to the areas of the deciduous molars in the mouthguard. Now, the patient is 4 years 9 months old and the self-injurious behavior to his lower lip has been prevented by continuous use of the mouthguard for the lower jaw. Use of the mouthguard for the lower jaw not only prevented the patient’s self-injurious behavior, but also has improved the mental health of the parents and child.