
Business Models of Functional Foodstuffs A proposal of 'classical model' and its related 4-models / 機能性食材のビジネスモデル群
Document Type
Journal Article
研究 技術 計画 / The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management. 2016, 31(3-4):263
In this research, we organized the business models and the management of intellectual properties (IP) of the business of functional foodstuffs of the origin of agriculture, forestry and marine product. The business of functional foodstuffs and medicinal chemicals are common in term that functionality materials are utilized. In many cases, the object substances of the functional foodstuffs are known substances. In the business intended for known substances, the "classical model" intended for new substances such as medicinal chemicals of low molecular was difficult to form. But we developed that even known substances can be formed 4 business models, which are brought close to "classical model". By considering the business models and the IP management of the functional foodstuffs referring to "classical model" and its related 4-models, the industry-academia cooperation business of the area as well as the corporate business would become able to consider strong competitive power.