
Reduction anesthesia time on spinal navigation surgery - by collaborative work of improvement group - / 脊椎ナビゲーション手術における麻酔時間の短縮 ―改善グループの共同作業による―
Document Type
Journal Article
医療機器学 / Iryou kikigaku (The Japanese journal of medical instrumentation). 2021, 91(1):1
The role of clinical engineers is to contribute to improving the speed and precision of diagnosis and treatment by accurate, rapid operation of medical equipment. A new hospital, with a dedicated spinal surgery hybrid operating room equipped with an advanced X-ray imaging equipment and navigation system, was built. At the time, it was anticipated that because of its highly advanced nature, operating the system would be complicated, and that rapid, accurate operation of the system would require proficiency. In order to achieve the expected goal when it was introduced, that is, performing sophisticated treatment during a short anesthesia time, in this study, we implemented the modified PDCA cycle i.e., received physician guidance, assessed the anticipated task, carried it out, carefully checked the results, and made improvements in collaboration with the departments concerned. The modified PDCA was based on the PDCA method, and was improved to suit the actual situations of our spinal surgery center. As a result, smooth coordination between the radiology equipment and navigation system and shortening of the anesthesia time were achieved.

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