
Physical Health of Mothers of Children with Hearing Loss
Document Type
Journal Article
Total Rehabilitation Research. 2020, 8:1
health promotion
hearing loss
physical activity
physical fitness
Parents, particularly mothers, of children with disabilities often experience mental stress. Various interventions have been used to reduce stress and increase support. As regular physical activity/exercise is beneficial for various health conditions, it could reduce stress in mothers. The purpose of this study was to clarify the physical health status of mothers of children with hearing loss. Participants were 10 mothers of children with hearing loss (mean age: mothers: 36.7 ± 3.3 years). Participants’ muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, agility, and exercise tolerance were tested. Step counts were recorded using a triaxial accelerometer and amount of activity time was measured using metabolic equivalents (METs). Time spent on moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) ≥3.0 METs per day was assessed. Standing posture was determined using a photographic lateral view and classified according to Kendall’s posture types. Participants’ performance was compared with the national average for similar-aged women. There was no significant difference in muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, and exercise tolerance. However, participants’ agility (p = 0.013) and number of daily steps (4,913 ± 1,414; p = 0.006) were significantly lower. MVPA time was 49.6 ± 22.8 minutes per day, 44.9 minutes of which were MVPA ≥3.0 METs. Some mothers exhibited a kyphotic posture, and most complained of shoulder stiffness and low back pain. The physical fitness of mothers of children with hearing loss was the same as the national average. Mothers should maintain their physical health by participating in more vigorous daily physical activity and increasing their awareness of posture.