
A Case of Endocrine Cell Carcinoma of the Sigmoid Colon with Metastasis to the Heart / 心臓転移を認めたS状結腸内分泌細胞癌の1例
Document Type
Journal Article
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 / Nihon Rinsho Geka Gakkai Zasshi (Journal of Japan Surgical Association). 2014, 75(9):2504
endocrine cell carcinoma of sigmoid colon
metastasis to heart
A 63-year-old man who was pointed out an abnormal finding on a follow-up abdominal CT scan after surgery for right renal cancer was found having a tumor encircling the sigmoid colon by a colonoscopy. Sigmoidectomy was thus performed in May 2008. The pathological diagnosis was endocrine cell carcinoma, T3M0N0 and fStage II. An abdominal CT scan and PET performed in January 2012 showed metastases to the left adrenal gland and left axillary lymph nodes, but the patient desired to observe the clinical course without receiving any treatments. A chest CT scan undertaken in January 2013 revealed tumor formation within the right ventricle of the heart. Echocardiography also offered a suspicion of metastasis to the heart. As the patient had not particular symptoms, we selected to follow the clinical course. In February 2014, he suddenly developed unconsciousness and went into cardiopulmonary arrest. After he regained heartbeat by AED, he was brought into our emergency clinic and was admitted to our hospital. After admission he had frequent bouts of ventricular flutter and died of irreversible arrhythmia on the next day. As a result of autopsy, the heart tumor was diagnosed as metastasis of sigmoid colon cancer. Heart metastasis of colorectal cancer is extremely rare, and so this case is reported here, together with a review of the literature.