
Quantitative Analysis of Therapeutic Antibody Interactions with Fcγ Receptors Using High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy
Document Type
Journal Article
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2024, 47(1):334
high-speed atomic force microscopy
low-affinity Fcγ receptor
therapeutic antibody
This study employed high-speed atomic force microscopy to quantitatively analyze the interactions between therapeutic antibodies and Fcγ receptors (FcγRs). Antibodies are essential components of the immune system and are integral to biopharmaceuticals. The focus of this study was on immunoglobulin G molecules, which are crucial for antigen binding via the Fab segments and cytotoxic functions through their Fc portions. We conducted real-time, label-free observations of the interactions of rituximab and mogamulizumab with the recombinant FcγRIIIa and FcγRIIa. The dwell times of FcγR binding were measured at the single-molecule level, which revealed an extended interaction duration of mogamulizumab with FcγRIIIa compared with that of rituximab. This is linked to enhanced antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity that is attributed to the absence of the core fucosylation of Fc-linked N-glycan. This study also emphasizes the crucial role of the Fab segments in the interaction with FcγRIIa as well as that with FcγRIIIa. This approach provided quantitative insight into therapeutic antibody interactions and exemplified kinetic proofreading, where cellular discrimination relies on ligand residence times. Observing the dwell times of antibodies on the effector molecules has emerged as a robust indicator of therapeutic antibody efficacy. Ultimately, these findings pave the way for the development of refined therapeutic antibodies with tailored interactions with specific FcγRs. This research contributes to the advancement of biopharmaceutical antibody design and optimizing antibody-based treatments for enhanced efficacy and precision.