
G-38 CFD解析を用いた標準住宅モデルの換気効率評価及び吸着建材による室内汚染物質の濃度低減効果に関する研究 / G-38 Study on Evaluation of Ventilation Efficiency and Decreasing Effect of Pollutant Concentration of Sorptive Building Material in Standard House Using Numerical Analysis
Document Type
Journal Article
Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan. 2008, :2087
This study investigated the effective arrangement and effect on decreasing formaldehyde of sorptive materials in the standard house model of Architectural Institute of Japan by numerical simulation. The performances of sorptive materials were compared by changing the surface area and position, and the effective arrangement of materials were investigated by the distribution of SVE3 (the age of air) that is one of Scale for Ventilation Efficiency. Installing passive sorptive construction materials is effective at reducing concentrations of HCHO in a full-scale residence. The performance of passive sorptive materials at reducing chemical concentrations varies according to the distribution of HCHO concentration in the room. Installing passive sorptive materials in locations where HCHO concentrations tend to be higher is an efficient way to reduce HCHO concentrations. SVE3 were high in large room such as Living/Dining/Kitchen room as well as the room with exhaust fan. The arrangement of sorptive materials in the areas of Master bedroom and Living/Dining room is more effective, because the residential time of resident in there is longer than the others.