
Accuracy of Mixed Reality (MR)-Guided Puncture / 初代ホロレンズを用いたMixed Realityガイド下の穿刺精度
Document Type
Journal Article
日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会雑誌 / The Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Interventional Radiology. 2022, 36(4):342
Microsoft HoloLens
Mixed Reality
Puncture guidance
Virtual Reality
Background: The technology of virtual reality is advancing rapidly, and in recent years, the technology of merging the virtual world with the real world (mixed reality, MR) has become available at the individual developer level. The Microsoft HoloLens is a virtual reality headset with a transparent display that creates MR by superimposing computer graphics on a real landscape background. It is already being used in the medical field to display a 3D hologram of the anatomical position of each organ near the surgical field as a reference image during surgery.In the use of mixed reality (MR) in the field of interventional radiology, the 3D hologram should not be used as a reference image, but as a direct guide to the actual procedure. The tolerable error in a real procedure is less than a few millimeters, and the fusion of the real and virtual worlds requires a high degree of accuracy in superimposition. However, there is no clear reference point on the real patient when superimposing the 3D hologram on the patient, and accurate superimposition requires skill and know-how.Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of mixed reality (MR)-guided puncture.Method: A tungsten carbide sphere with a diameter of 1 mm was embedded in an EVA resin block to make a puncture phantom. The phantom was imaged by CT, and the 3D hologram data were generated from the CT image. The holographic data were transferred to the MR headset (Microsoft HoloLens), and the puncture phantom was punctured with an 18-G needle using the 3D holographic puncture guide. Fifteen punctures were performed. The distance between the needle and the target was measured on the workstation by a radiologist, who was not informed of the puncture, using the CT image after the puncture.Results: Mixed reality-guided puncture with a stereoscopic hologram was possible 15/15 times (100%). The error to the puncture target was 4.1±2.4 mm (range: 0-7mm).Conclusion: Mixed reality (MR) puncture guidance needs to be improved in terms of ac-curacy as of 2018.

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