
HappinessCounter: Enhancing Positive Mood and Communication with Smile-Encouraging Digital Appliances / HappinessCounter: 日常生活における笑顔形成促進による感情状態向上の支援
Document Type
Journal Article
コンピュータ ソフトウェア / Computer Software. 2012, 29(4):4-305
William James, the noted psychologist and philosopher, believed that smiling has a positive effect on our mind. James' view, which was confirmed by several psychological studies, was that we become happier when we laugh. In this paper, we propose a new digital appliance that encourages the act of smiling in our daily lives. This system is designed for people who may not always realize when they are in low spirits and/or have difficulty with smiling. In addition, we believe that this system will foster casual conversation and prompt communications with other people. Our appliance, called the HappinessCounter, combines visual smile recognition, user feedback, and network communication. We conducted trials of the HappinessCounter system. The system had positive effects on user's mood and prompted communication among family members, thereby increasing their positive mood as well.