
A Case of Minute Carcinoma in Situ in the Ascending Colon with Sign of Leser-Trélat / Leser-Trélat徴候を示した上行結腸微小粘膜内癌の1例
Document Type
Journal Article
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 / The Japanese Journal of Gastroenterological Surgery. 2022, 55(11):701
ascending colon cancer
carcinoma in situ
sign of Laser-Trélat
A 74-year-old man presented to the dermatology department of our hospital with multiple eruptions with itching. Leser-Trélat was suspected due to a rapid increase in seborrheic keratosis. Colonoscopy revealed a 35-mm multinodular polypoid lesion with a laterally spreading tumor that was partially non-granular. The tumor was diagnosed as carcinoma in adenoma with submucosal invasion. Because of the difficulty of endoscopic en bloc resection, laparoscopic ileocecal resection was performed in our department. A pathologic examination revealed that the resected cancer was a minute carcinoma in situ, of only 500 μm in size. We confirmed that the skin lesions were related to the Leser-Trélat sign, based on improvement of the skin after resection of colon cancer and high expression of epidermal growth factor receptor in the skin lesions. The Leser-Trélat sign, a skin symptom of paraneoplastic dermadromes, is frequently associated with gastrointestinal cancers, such as gastric and colorectal cancer, and is reported to be associated with advanced stage disease. In contrast, reports of the sign in association with early colorectal cancer are rare. Our search of the Japanese literature yielded only 3 cases in which the sign was described in submucosal invasive cancer and none involving intramucosal cancer. We present this case of minute carcinoma in situ in the ascending colon with a Leser-Trélat sign and review the relevant literature to investigate the clinical differences between cases of early and advanced cancer with a Leser-Trélat sign.