
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome with Intestinal Necrosis, caused by Perforation of Diverticulosis of the Sigmoid Colon / 重症腹膜炎術後に発症した腹部コンパートメント症候群の診断治療に最高気道内圧モニタリング・減張腹壁創管理が有効であった1救命例
Document Type
Journal Article
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 / The Japanese Journal of Gastroenterological Surgery. 2007, 40(11):1874
abdominal compartment syndrome
intestinal necrosis
peak airway pressure
A 63-year-old woman diagnosed with sigmoid diverticulum perforation, underwent intraabdominal irrigation and sigmoid colostomy. Despite septic shock intraoperatively, no increase in intraabdominal pressure was apparent at closure of the abdominal wall. After large-volume fluid therapy and continuous hemodiafiltration, elevated peak airway pressure was recognized and intrabladder pressure measured at 30mmHg on postoperative day 5. Abdominal compartment syndrome was diagnosed, necessitating emergency surgery. Segmental necrosis was seen at flexures of the ileum, so the ileum was transected 150cm orally and the ascending colon was transected in half. Both stumps were used to form ileostomy and colostomy. The abdominal wall was opened and conventional vacuum packs applied. On POD 5 after reoperation, intestinal edema decreased together with intraabdominal pressure. Following resuturing of the abdominal wall, her general condition gradually improved and she was discharged 15 months later. Bowel necrosis following abdominal compartment syndrome is lethal, and elevated intraabdominal pressure must be detected as early as possible. We found monitoring of peak airway pressure under respirator control to be useful in detecting this condition early.