
Prospective Study to Assess the Clinical Efficacy of Bone Scintigraphy —ROC analysis— / Prospective Studyによる骨シンチグラフィの臨床的有効度評価
Document Type
Journal Article
RADIOISOTOPES. 1988, 37(3):148
breast carcinomas
clinical efficacy
preoperative bone scan
prospective study
prostate carcinomas
receiver operating characteristics
The value of preoperative bone scans in patients with primaly breast and prostate cancer was evaluated prospectively.The methodology and some clinical results were described previously. The clinical efficacy of the bone scan was assessed by using ROC analysis and we obtained the following results.1) Preoperative bone scan of carcinomas of the breast is effective for patients with clinical stage IIIA, IIIB and IV. It is not so effective for patients with clinical stage I and II, but there is no denying the importance of it, because it provides a base-line scan for comparison to subsequent scans obtained in the postoperative period.2) Preoperative bone scan of prostate carcinomas is effective, especially for clavicle, the ribs and the cervical spine, when compared with bone X-ray.3) Bone scan is effective means for patients who were diagnosed uncertainly to have bone metastasis.