
DS02-based atomic bomb survivor cancer risk etimates
Document Type
Journal Article
The Japan Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting Abstracts. 2003, :385
After a 15-year multinational effort, the system (DS86) used to compute dose estimates for individual survivors has been replaced by a new system (DS02). Although motivated by concerns about discrepancies between measured and calculated neutron activation values, the new system also incorporates improved radiation-transport models; uses newly coded information on shielding by houses, factories, and schools; and allows for shielding by terrain features not taken into account in earlier survivor dosimetry systems. While the changes in neutron dose estimates are less than has been suggested in some reports, the changes in dose estimates will affect risk estimates to some extent.We use the DS02 and DS86 dose estimates to investigate the impact of the change in dosimetry using data on about 10,000 solid cancer and 300 leukemia deaths among 86,600 atomic bomb survivors in the Life Span Study cohort between 1950 and 2000. We compare overall risk estimates and inferences about low dose risks, describe the nature of age-time patterns, and consider the magnitude and nature of differences between Hiroshima and Nagasaki risk estimates. [J Radiat Res 44:385 (2003)]

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