
Use of Satellite-Derived Water Vapor Data to Investigate Northwestward Expansion of North Pacific Subtropical High during 1995 Summer
Document Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II. 2001, 79(5):1059
The spatial and temporal evolution of the moisture field over the subtropical northwest Pacific during the summer of 1995 is investigated using daily total precipitable water from combined SSM/I-TOVS data, and pentad upper tropospheric humidity (UTH) data, in conjunction with NCEP reanalysis data. From analysis of the combined water vapor field, the westward movement of a dry airmass is observed along the 20-30°N latitude zone from near the dateline to the south of Japan throughout the summer of 1995. Extended EOF analysis of total precipitable water reveals that the westward moving pattern takes place in association with an expanding North Pacific subtropical high, maintaining an oscillatory component exhibiting a period of some 15-25 days. a concomitant dipole-like oscillating anomalous circulation with approximately a 20-day period between the South China Sea and south of Japan appears to influence the westward expansion of the subtropical high or vice versa. The analysis also suggests that the fluctuations of the North Pacific high are in response to a local Hadley-type circulation which is induced by westward-moving anomalous convection episodes along 10-20°N.