
Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Parotid Gland: An Uncommon Example of Incompletely Encapsulated Tumor Including S100 Protein-Positive Clear Cells
Document Type
Journal Article
The Kurume Medical Journal. 2022, 69(1.2):103
mixed exocrine-endocrine carcinoma
mixed neuroendocrine-nonneuroendocrine neoplasm
neuroendocrine carcinoma
poorly differentiated carcinoma
salivary gland
small cell carcinoma
Summary: Small cell carcinoma is rare in salivary glands and has recently been termed small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma. We herein describe an uncommon example arising in the parotid gland. The patient was a 75 yearold Japanese male who had swelling in the right parotid area. He underwent a superficial lobectomy and, after a histological diagnosis was made, a total parotidectomy. Histologically, the tumor had a thick hyalinized capsule that was incomplete, beyond which the tumor invaded into the surrounding parotid parenchyma. The tumor consisted of typical small basophilic cells intermingled with bland clear cells, between which a gradual transition was observed both inside and outside the capsule. Small basophilic cells were immunoreactive for chromograninA as well as synaptophysin, while clear cells were positive for S100 protein. The Ki-67 labeling rate reached 30–40% at the high points of small basophilic cells, but clear cells were minimally labelled. The present case was considered a dedifferentiated carcinoma of the parotid gland, possibly with acinic cell carcinoma as a precursor. This tumor could also be considered a “mixed exocrine-endocrine carcinoma,” which may explain the histogenesis of neuroendocrine carcinomas in non-endocrine organs that are not included in the diffuse (dispersed) neuroendocrine system, such as the parotid gland.