
The Effectiveness of Service Treatment Education using Webcam / アクティブ・ラーニングによる Webカメラを用いたサービス接遇教育の効果
Document Type
Journal Article
日本創造学会論文誌 / Journal of Japan Creativity Society. 2018, 21:98
Webcam, Service Treatment Education, Peer Review, Self-Evaluation, Group Work
Webカメラ, サービス接遇教育, 相互評価, 自己評価, グループワーク
In recent years the career education has been attracted attentions on the institutions for higher education including universities and junior colleges by the career education having been required. A job shortage heavily attributed to the long lasted economic downturn in Japan has urged institutions for higher education to take measure for supporting students to seek jobs. As a part of career and vocational educations, educational programs for service treatment skill authorization have been prevailed widely to the institutions. On the other hand, peer reviews have been widely adopted into classrooms and the group work comes under the spotlight as part of the active learning. Under the active learning framework, we have produced and implemented the programs that employ the Webcam for self-evaluations purposes in order to study the self-evaluations from a viewpoint of the career educations. It is revealed that the programs meet expectations among students, are effective to master service treatment skills and support students to develop an ability to evaluate oneself objectively so as to improve both of job hunting activities and work efficacies even once employed. Additional research is planned on a couple of fronts to extend studies to establish a norm of the Service Treatment and for applications to working persons.