
Incidence of Drug Hypersensitivity / 薬物過敏症の出現頻度 : 都内健康保険組合員5822人の調査成績
Document Type
Journal Article
アレルギー / Japanese Journal of Allergology. 1964, 13(6):431
Clinical mass survey on drug hypersensitivity was carried out in the urban population. 5822 employees of 4 companies were subjected to the investigation, consisting of both sexes from 17 to 60 years old. (male 3249, female 2528) The incidence of subjects with an episode of drug hypersensitivity was as follows: Name of drug Per centage Pyrazolone-derivatives 1, 73% Penicillin 1, 12% Sulfonamide-derivatives 0, 55% Aspirin 0, 29% other drugs (PAS, Choramphenicol, etc.) 0, 48% Total 3, 74% Twenty-two out of 32 severe cases were due to the penicillin hypersensitivity. Concerning the clinical symptoms, each drug showed a tendency to produce characteristic symptom respectively. For example, aspirin produces urticaria, antipyrine produces fixed eruption, sulfonamide derivative produces scarlatina- or morbilliform-eruption and penicillin produces a shock. Family history and past history revealed a higher incidence of allergic diseases in drug- sensitive subjects than in non-allergic subjects. However, no significant difference was observed in per centage of cases with an episode of any chronic purulent disease between the two groups with and without a drug hypersensitivity.