
Treatment Difficulties for a Major Burn Patient Who Refused Blood Transfusion for Religious Reasons / 宗教上の理由により輸血を拒否した広範囲熱傷患者の治療上の問題点
Document Type
Journal Article
熱傷 / Japanese Journal of Burn Injuries. 2021, 47(4):132
Major burn patients develop coagulopathy or anemia; therefore, blood products are necessary for the treatment of major burns in many cases. Patients with major burns who refuse blood products because of their religious affiliation, such as being a Jehovah’s witness, are challenging because blood transfusion cannot be used as an intervention. A 60-year-old man presented to the emergency department with a scald burn covering 52% of the total body surface area after falling into hot water. He was a Jehovah’s Witness and refused to accept blood transfusions as treatment. Treatment was initiated using only crystalloids without blood products. He did not develop coagulopathy or anemia, and the burn wounds healed with conservative treatment. The guidelines state that the rights of patients should be fully respected, but it has also been suggested that if there is a conflict in treatment policy, the patient may be transferred to another hospital. However, this does not solve the problem. We need to communicate sufficiently with the patient and family, and provide effective medical care.

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