
Preference Evaluation Based on Cognitive Psychology of the Quantity of Knots Present in Wood Wall Panels I Effects of the ratio of knot area of todomatsu wall panels and of room type on people's preferences for residential living rooms / 認知心理学に基づいた木質内装材の好ましさの評価(第1報)
Document Type
Journal Article
木材学会誌 / Mokuzai Gakkaishi. 2016, 62(2):42
context effect
knot area ratio
psychological evaluation
todomatsu wood
wood interior panel
This study examined the effects of the quantity of knots present in interior paneled walls of softwood through a preference evaluation. In this study, psychological evaluations were applied based on the ideas of cognitive psychology, such as the context effect, in which human perception not only depends on the object itself, but is also strongly influenced by the scene and the situation that surround the objects. To examine the ratio of knot area to panel area (KA/PA), the quantity of knots in the wall panels was set to four levels ranging from 0% to 1.32%. The scene chosen for subject evaluation was the living room of a residence. Photographs of four living rooms, each with different colored wallpaper and furniture arrangement were combined with the aforementioned wainscot wall panels. The preference evaluation of the four living rooms showed a decrease in subject preference with an increase of KA/PA. The rate of decrease in preference was slight in the range of 0-0.86%, but this rate then changed significantly at 1.32% with the increase of KA/PA. However, more than half of the subjects stated positive preferences that were within the range of 0.86% by that they either “like it” or “like it a little”. The significance of the difference was checked statistically with the use of two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA). The effect of KA/PA was evident while no significant difference was observed by the effect of room type and interaction. The results suggested that the subjects of the study prioritized the context of a residential living room over the impression of each living room.